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With the collage assignment it needed to include some form of AI element, because i wanted to stick with an ocean theme with me inside a boat, I wanted to add a flag of sorts because I am having secondary judgment and opinions on using AI. I wanted to explore what Ai can do enhance my existing photographs and merge it together going with a much more subtle AI as to not ignore the new upcoming revolution of ai art being included in the artistic world.  Using Adobe Firefly I wanted to keep the prompt simple but well understood requesting for a blank background would prove to be important because it would be easier to photoshop.  I chose the top left flag because it has a similar colour palette and the flag was facing the left. 

I chose to use the swirl tool on photoshop which allowed me to create the whirlpool effect on the water, the boat, person and texture in the water are all sepearate images merged into one background in order to add a bit more to the photograph. I chose to use the blue boat because It was very simple relating back to my collage research the book "Toilet-Paper" was a good inspiration because it allowed me to actually see how effect things can be if they are kept simple, I created this with the intent as a metaphor for how my mind is currently, open and endless like the ocean and i am helpless in a small boat and all i have is my little flag to keep me on track. The idea is a self portrait inspired collage which i really enjoyed creating with my digital imagery skills however If i were to revisit this and do another collage of this concept I would change the vibrancy of the colours because I felt the finished collage felt a little dull and monochrome, this was because I had chosen to photograph the boat in a not so clean water port. Maybe i could use AI in the future to make the water seem clearer. It has been an interesting development for me because I've used ai in my collage and I have been introduced to some of the ways Ai can be used to create a scene. 

Screenshot 2023-11-13 at 14.27.06 done.jpeg

Final collage created. 

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