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Airbrushing Practice 

starting at the basics:



using a mixture of layer masks and using the brush tool and eraser tool you are able to get smoother skin when digitally editing and example is removing any distracting marks or cracks in skin dry skin.  However you will have to take into consideration whether someone actually wants their face editing and whether you do too much or too little. 

underneath the eye lids there are some dead skin freckles and the saturation is far too orange for realistic skin so in this practice I used my white balance training and adapted the colour temperature and then proceeded with smoothing the skin out, using a layer mask and adding surface blur in to the photograph layer and making people focus more on the dominate facial features such as the eyes, lips and nose-ring. 

using this digital touch up with adobe photoshop is very helpful in the present and future and will be something I will explore much more in detail with the next semester and My own free time, Which I would be rude to include into this work. In the near future I will be pushing the boundry with this editing style because it is fairly simple, Using 2 layers, surface blur a mask and the paint or eraser tool, you are able to blur the parts of the person which isn't really needed it may be difficult to see the difference however it is intended to be subtle so that it does not disrespect the model in anyway.

final thoughts, I found that this short practical lesson was useful for my upcoming project with portraiture and will continue to prove useful because it is something I can use after finishing or completing my photograph degree. 

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 15.11.02.png



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