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night 2 day copy.jpg

I decided to use the environment which doesnt really get noticed, I got this idea from When the photographer Troi Paiva used an enironment that was forgotten and created wonderful works of art to the extreme, the difference between Troi paiva and my Idea I decided to stay a way from the Idea of using coloured gels for this first outcome, Because I didn't want to disturb the actual real lighting that is given off by the light pollution and sunlight. The reason i wanted to keep this as real as possible is because the natural beauty of this large tree every day is on show for us all to see however it goes unnoticed, I have enjoyed the idea of using cameras at night because Ive become able to use the equipment in an effective way, so that I can get the image I wanted. the idea behind the strips, I wanted to have a compareable night 2 day image, I felt blending them to make the transition seemless would lose the punch I wanted to have, I wanted strong contrasts so that it jumps into your face similar to zebra stripes, This gave me the option to show in contrast at different times day and night, to show how the environment can differ its best represented in this way in my honest opinion,


I photographed this large pinewood tree where it stood tall I wanted to capture it towering over the buildings to show its size, I also wanted to include the little hut to add a bit of interest so it was not just a single photograph of a tree. 

Using the panoramic practice tests I decided to push myself, I have never create a panoramic photojoiner durig the night. This caused me to try and think about composition and overall visual message, I wanted the camera panoramic to display how giant these buildings are Using forced perspective using low angles pointed upward to make these buildings recreate the feeling I had whilst standing there, having towering concrete and glass around me was something Ive never experienced before coming from a small town, so this was an exciting outcome that I will continue to develop in the future. I used my 50 mm lens, on some of buildings which were within a short distance and switched to a 18-55mm zoom lens allowing me to also switch from protraite and landscape images to get the unique frame. Intentionally i wanted to have no 4 corners I wanted to arrange these in a way where it made a unique pattern

deciding to use the Hyigh Dynamic Range practice in the night shoots was something I was excited to do, with this photograph I needed a large light, and artifical lighting, I had directed an assistant to help me with the task. Using my flash gun and the light bulbs and a slow shutterspeed I set my camera to 15 seconds and photographed the subject multiple times in order to get a range of different light settings, with the flash gun it was shot at the tree and the artifical light was very helpful in doing so. the sky was clear so the stars were visible and at night the mood and colouration was perfect for contrasting with the harsh lighting at the lower third. I was happy with the result of this and will investigate into using flash guns in a smaller area because this HDR had taken many nights to complete because the weather and other factors can effect the overall performance of the image. 

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